Domestic Helper Matching Service

What Employers need to know
1. Please contact us via SIGNAL (phone number 6585 3600) to send us your request.
2. Our coordinator will try to match your needs with the employees’ abilities.
3. Our coordinator will contact you to arrange an appointment on a suitable date between you and a domestic helper.
4. Please inform us if you have already hired a domestic helper.
5. You need to contact your employment agency regarding any further employment procedures.

What domestic helpers need to know
1. Please contact us via SIGNAL (phone number 6585 3600) to send us your resume.
2. Our coordinator will try to match your abilities with the employers’ needs.
3. Our coordinator will contact you and arrange an appointment on a suitable date between you and the potential employer.
4. Please inform us if you have been already hired.
5. You need to contact your employment agency regarding any further employment procedures.

Disclaimer: As this is a service provided by volunteers from the parish, the parish will not get involved in employment-related legal issues.